

Video Conferencing Tools

Online Tools – Video Conferencing

Video conferencing tools – a comparison This article examines the origins and growth of video conferencing technology and compares the popular video conferencing tools that have gained in popularity during the recent lockdown.  Disruptors (those that cause disruptions) both big and small are at play all the time. They impact individuals, families, businesses, cities, or…

The Anatomy of a Scam

How to protect yourself in a connect world What is a scam? Here are some real-life examples:  Example 1 Date: 30th July 2020, time: 8.35am. Phone rings: Tring, tring, tring, tring. Hello, Hello. [Silence] ‘Your internet connection will be cut off within 24 hours. If you don’t want to be disconnected, press 3 to speak…